Traditionally, men don't attend baby showers it was mainly just for the women.As for the baby's father attending the shower..... he may feel out of place.Kim alleged nagged him until he agreed to make an appearance at the shower to please her, but it will be brief.
RaddarOnline reports:
He just doesn't want to appear on the show at all, period. Kim nagged him until he agreed when she said it would look really bad if he didn't show up. Kanye thinks it's silly to even go to the baby shower since he will be the only man there. He will be there for less than ten minutes, tops. It was important to Kim that he go, so he agreed.
The source also added that Ye wants Kim to quit reality TV because he thinks it is a waste of time. A source said:
The speculation is that the baby will be a girl, but nothing has been confirmed yet.Kanye doesn't want to film the show anymore. And he doesn't want Kim to do reality TV either. He's pushing her to stop. He wants to be in control of his image, not at the mercy of show producers. The Kardashian show hurts his cool image.
Do you think inviting men to a baby shower is poor etiquette, or a modern way?
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